A new adventure: India

Hello, friends! 

In just a few short weeks, my trusty travel buddy Annie and I will be taking off on a jet plane and headed for New Delhi, India! Exploring India has been a great dream of mine for the last five years, and I continue to be thankful for the passion that has been put in my heart long ago. Now it's finally going to come alive. I am so incredibly thrilled that we are making this voyage together as well!

Annie and I will be staying with an organization who is based in India, and we will be existing in their Delhi location for about 2 and a half weeks. If you're not familiar with Delhi, it is one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world. Navigating the foreign city will be challenging and tricky. It definitely does not compare to Olympia in any way, shape, or form!

So what will we be doing exactly? We are partnering up with Volunteering India, and working in their Women Empowerment program. Annie and I will be working about 5 hours a day, for 5 days a week. The tasks we will be completing vary day to day, such as counseling and teaching. They are focused around providing women with basic job skills including helping women by providing adult literacy classes, beautician course training, computer training and income generating activities training. 

If I could have one wish, it would be to touch the hearts of everyone around me- And I can only hope that I can live through this dream while we are in the depths of Delhi. One verse that I hold close to my heart is this;

 "I was hungry and you fed me,
   I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
   I was homeless and you gave me a room,
   I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
   I was sick and you stopped to visit,
   I was in prison and you came to me."

-Matthew 25:35

India brings many new adventures, and I would be lying if I said I was not a wee bit scared. Between possible food illness and general culture shock, we are in for a wild ride of thrill and uncertainty on this trip. In the midst of all this change, I can only hope I remember why I chose to go to India in the first place- to love on those who need it the most. 

To raise money for my financial expenses, I am currently booking photo shoots from June 19th-July 3rd, and then after I return on the 23rd of July. If you would like to support me in my adventure across the world, please contact me about a photo shoot! I would be thrilled to work with you. 

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we exit from the US on the 5th of July! I will be posting photos and stories when I can find Wifi and when time allows. I am so grateful and excited to share this escapade with you all!

I adore your support & love,


1 comment:

Lauren Oquist said...

Shelby - I got back from India about a week and a half ago. I only spent a short time in Delhi before continuing north, but just prepare for the HEAT :) If you're anything like me, though, you will fall in love with the people. I loved my time there and hope you do too!!

Lauren -