Day three!

       Today was eventful (so far) We started out with breakfast, which was an hour later than usual. Praise Jesus for extra sleep!! Then we wandered down to the cafe to do devotions, and talk about the day ahead. The sun is roasting my skin, but in an odd way, it feels pretty good.  We then went to "Adopt a block" where we serve a block in LA.  We went to Jordan Downs today, where the housing is more commonly known as  "The Projects". We were told that we could not wear any purple, for the small city is accompanied by the Grape Street cripts, who sport their pride with purple shirts. There was a lack of a bathroom, and after an hour drive, two water bottles each, and many many bumps in the jagged road, we had to go to the bathroom. Lets just say we became well aquatinted with the bushes..... After that dilemma, we went around to the houses and passed out food, offered our services to clean, and talked to families. We met many many sweet boys and girls who were frolicking around in the water, laying with puppies, and just simply hanging out. Today was great. End of story. 

Oh, and Mom, before you freak out, I WILL write more later.

The Dream Center

Our encounter with the bushes
Passing out food to our "block", Jordan Downs

Our pastor, Jake talking to a young boy, Diego, about the significance of his bracelet. 
Jake gave Diego his bracelet

A small girl dancing in the water

Meet Beebee and Bella. I came upon BeeBee playing with her small pup named Bella outside of their back yard. Beebee's dad tried to give me their dog, for he did not want it anymore, it was quite the hilarious offer. Beebee loved Bella so much, and it was great to see how they interacted. Two sweet souls. 

Jake and Reagan talking to Beebee's dad about Bella. 

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