It's a brand new day.

As I am sitting at my desk, sipping on some green tea and inhaling the smell of a freshly lit candle, I can not help but to reminisce about the past. While thinking of past adventures with friends, old memories, and past relationships, this particular photo came to mind.

You might say, why this photo? This photograph was taken the very morning of January 1st, right as the sun was rising over the frost covered foot fills of Olympia.

I have a fondness for this picture, because when I took it, I had to pullover on the side of the road, get out of my car, and snap the picture (while I was wearing shorts, super cold!) Although it does not seem enjoyable to get out of your car in shorts when it was only about 23 degrees out, I endured a little moment of some personal realization.  I took a moment to soak in the idea that everyday is a brand new day, and it can only be what you make of it.  Such a simple idea. Yet we tend to forget it so often.

Take a listen to "Brand new day" by Joshua Radin.

I came across this quote and i think that it will stick with me for quite some time :
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
-Ralph Emerson

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